Fall 2017


Weekend Group Classes


  2 – 4 pm 

Oct. 7,  Nov. 4


2 – 4 pm

Oct. 15,  Nov. 12


Group sessions are an important part of the students’ development.  They help the student get used to playing in public.  Students who attend group sessions regularly are usually very comfortable playing in recitals.  Students who come to a group session are expected to stay at least 30 minutes to provide audience and support for others.  Generally younger students come to the early part of the session, older students and adults toward the end.  However, you should come when you can.  We try to let people play in the order they arrive and accommodate people with special scheduling needs when possible.


Sunday Afternoon at 2PM - The public is invited

November 18, 2017 at 2pm

(North Bethesda United Methodist Church,

corner of Old Georgetown Road and Lone Oak Drive)

North Bethesda United Methodist Church

Walk-in Rehearsals for Recital:  2-5pm
Saturday, November 18, 2017 at the Fellows Studio 

Students must play their pieces successfully by memory in a group class before being approved for performance in recital. A fee will be charged to recital participants to help defray the cost of hall rental. Parents' help with refreshments for the recital is greatly appreciated.